Thursday, September 22, 2011

Copy Cat

According to the news article Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age written by Trip Gabriel, plagiarism is becoming an even bigger issue now than it has ever been before. Since the whole tech age, students have been able to obtain information ten times easier and because some have download music illegally, and have websites such as Wikipedia and file-sharing taking information that is not theirs does not seem as big of a crime anymore!

I personally am one of those students that do not understand why plagiarism is such an issue in the world, especially in college! The punishments for plagiarizing are severe and most of the time result in being expelled from the university. I know that taking other peoples words and using them as your own is morally wrong, but, I do not get why it is taking so seriously in many peoples eyes. This does not mean that I do plagiarize, because I know the consequences and would much rather use my own opinion to discuss a topic! 

New York Times Plagiarism

Purple Haze

It had down poured as if God had taken a bucket of water and decided to spill it all over Fort Myers. It was a late August day, and rain had become an everyday thing for me. Being from New York, of course I have experienced my fair share of storms, lightning and rain but nothing is like a Florida thunderstorm! They call it "heat lightning" and it truly electrocutes the sky. The booms, bangs, and raging last for a total of 45 minutes. Usually, the big tear drops, electric show and thunder happen right before the sun is going to set making the view unbelievable. The colors of the sky range from cotton candy blue, to an electric lavender. After I reflect on a view like this, there is no question why I love those rainstorms that make my hair poof-y and drench my clothes!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rich, Dark & Creamy

The chocolate had been wrapped as if it were a  present on Christmas day. Everything about it made my mouth water. The chocolate was sweet as sugar but, rich as Bill Gates. I love chocolate as if it was family, which means a lot. I couldn't wait to unwrap the tiny piece of perfection. The taste was comforting and reminded me of my childhood. It was a piece of heaven.