Monday, October 17, 2011

Chicken or the Egg?

Now that I have you intrigued by my title, I'm sorry to tell you that my contrasting has nothing to do with chickens, nor eggs. I apologize but I can tell you that you will not regret reading what I am about to discuss. On the bright side, one of the items is food. I am contrasting two of my favorite things in the world, home (which is Warwick, New York) and my favorite food Snow Crab Legs.

Warwick, New York is a place I believe everyone should experience. There is no other place I'd rather call home then this beautiful, unique little town. There is something about the air in Warwick that everyone from there knows. When I am home I often find myself sniffing outside my window for that pure fresh air that I can't smell anywhere else. When you walk through my beautiful town you feel at home. Even if you aren't from Warwick, there's a cozy warm feeling that tingles through your body. The shops and restaurants invite you in and treat you as if you were gold. The greatest part of it all is each business is mom and pop owned. My town does not allow commercial chains to open up business. On the outskirts you will find a Shop Rite and a CVS but asides from that our businesses are all owned by people we know. Although we have over 50,000 people in our community it still has a small town feel where everyone knows everyone. For some they may not like it, but for me it's perfect!

Snow crabs are glorious. When I hear snow crabs I think of a buttery sensation in my mouth and juicy meaty legs. They are delicious and if you haven't tried them yet, you are not living. Snow crabs originate from all over but the greatest tasting ones come from Alaska. The legs are tender and easy to get the meat out unlike Alaskan King Crab or Blue Crabs. My favorite kind of Snow Crab legs are the ones that are seasoned in Ole Bay. Preferably from Joes Crab Shack.

I suppose your wondering why in the world I decided to contrast such two very different things. Well, for one I miss my home and I'd do anything to go back or to just talk about it. Another reason is I'm starving and haven't had my favorite food in a while and the Snow Crab legs were just on my mind. They are so very different because first off, Snow Crab legs are food while Warwick is a township in Orange County. Also, Warwick has a different taste then Snow Crabs. Snow Crabs are a physical taste that can satisfy your actual hunger while Warwick is more of a mental taste that can satisfy your hunger for home. All in all, I hope you get to A. taste Snow Crabs while b. being in Warwick, New York.

Midterm Part 2 Reflection

The technology tool that I decided to use for my midterm part 2 reflection was GoAnimate. I chose this tool because it seemed the most fun and interesting to show the first part of my midterm. I didn't even have to record my own voice or anything! The experience I had doing the midterm was rather fun! I looked over my first part of the midterm and chose certain sentences that I wanted to include in my presentation. It was interesting to see how the characters in the movie went about saying the information. If I could change one thing about my video, I would change how proper the characters sound. I wish they sound more relaxed and student-like. The sentences were meant to be personal and in the video they sound like robots.

Midterm Reflection

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A New Kind of Soda Pop

The following is a comparison-contrast of the commercial for Sun-drop and the Joy of Pepsi commercial by Britney Spears. The first commercial for Sun-drop recently came out over the summer because it was a new product. The commercial consists of a known tune- "Drop It Like It's Hot" by Snoop Dog and features a white average girl dancing from coast to coast doing crazy moves! The commercial has begun a craze all over America and people are calling the dance the "sun-drop." I definitely think that this commercial has made its purpose because so many people that I know specifically went out to the stores and bought Sun-Drop, not only because it was a new product but because the commercial was stuck in everyone's heads! The dance moves in the commercial are funny, plus the girl who is doing the dance moves doesn't look like the kind of girl to dance the way she is! They almost make a joke out of white girls thinking they can dance, but it still sticks in peoples memory for days on end!

The Joy of Pepsi commercial came out much earlier in the decade and consisted of Britney Spears, one of the most famous pop artist at the time, singing a mixed up versions of all her songs with Pepsi replacing most of the words. Its a catchy sing-a-long that helped sell the product, just like the Sun-Drop commercial because the song got into everybody's heads! In the commercial, it shows Britney Spears making a music video and all different kind of people watching it and dancing along to it. This commercial glorified Britney Spears as an angel and came across to women that if you drink Pepsi you will be as beautiful as Britney.

There are many reasons why these commercials are similar such as the fact that they are both using music as a way of advertising. Also, they involve dancers and other people watching the dance go on. Another similarity is that they are both trying to sell their soda product. Another way they're similar is they are both wearing the product on their clothes. In the Sun-Drop the girl is wearing a Sun-Drop t-shirt while in the Joy of Pepsi commercial Britney is wearing an entire outfit devoted to Pepsi. She wears the colors (red, white and blue) throughout the advertisement. As much as they are similar they are also different based on a few things. One difference is the way that the songs are campaigned. In the Pepsi commercial, the song is meant to be beautiful, about the product, and specific for Pepsi. Meanwhile, for Sun-Drop the song is a well known tune that only has one word that is similar to the product which is "drop." As you can see, both products are similar yet contrast in a multitude of ways.