Saturday, November 19, 2011

Facebook: To Be or Not To Be?

In the article that I decided to base this blog off, I chose the dangers of  having a Facebook. The article "The 5 Facebook Dangers" written by Jackie Burrell has 5 very interesting reasons why Facebook is not all the fun and games we make it out to be. Of course we know that posting Facebook statuses and photos that aren't exactly respectful could mess up your future with college admissions and future careers but there are also other dangers that can occur if you have a Facebook.

In regards to the article, I agree with a lot of the things Burrell has to say. Once something is on Facebook, it is on the internet forever! Facebook is dangerous because it gives off this idea that everything is private and that only certain people can see certain things but that is not all true. Companies actually hire people to do background checks on new employees and Facebook is a major thing that they look at. According to the article, some teenagers have actually been charged for child pornography because the photos they are posting are too risque! Who would've thought that child pornography could be one of the dangers of Facebook. There are many other risks a person takes when they decide to activate their Facebook account. Whether it's due to college admissions checking out Facebook's, careers looking into their employees, or Facebook being evidence in a courtroom case there are a lot of dangers of having a Facebook! If I wasn't so into keeping up with what my friends across the country were doing, I'd probably delete my account right this instant!

1 comment:

  1. Good summary of the dangers of Facebook. There were some problems with your mechanics; otherwise, you did a good with both the summary and your response. It does make one wonder.
