Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What Women Want

Why Men Don't Talk to Women is a very disturbing, sexist and rather annoying video in my point of view. The video depicts all women as gold diggers and women that have no feelings towards anyone. It also depicts that we care only about ourselves. According to the movie, women believe that all men want to do is smother us and that is not true at all. Most of the time, women are complaining that men don't love us enough. The central idea that the author is trying to make is that its our fault that women are single and men want nothing to do with us because of how testy and moody we get. I completely disagree, although the video was funny it is not right to generalize a group of people because they share the same gender. In conclusion, I hope that you are just as mad as I am about this video!

1 comment:

  1. Good summary and response, Carly. You should try embedding the video using the embed code and the HTML button.
