Sunday, November 6, 2011

Veterans Day

Both of these posters give a powerful message to the viewer, the first one is a happy, bright, and strong outlook on Veterans Day. The poster almost shows what we were fighting for in a way and has vivid colors and a strong image. Meanwhile, in the other poster the message is deep and although there is no movement or talking it's emotional. In the second poster, there are words that say "Following the footsteps of generations past, present, and future." That statement alone is moving and really breaks into the emotional part of veterans day allowing us to remember all those who have lost their lives for our freedom. Both of these posters are similar in the fact that they symbolize America. They also both mention remembering those who served, and have Veterans Day across it.

Works Cited

Blogspot. Web. 6 Nov. 2011. <>.

Kick Acts Magazine. Web. 06 Nov. 2011. <>.

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